Do You still struggle with the following?
Feel guilty, cannot forgive self, feel shame, sorrow, regret, fear punishment from God, self-hatred, suicidal thoughts, relational issues with others, secretive, nightmares or dreams of losing a child, avoidance behaviors, Psychological “numbing”, depression, bonding issues with present and or future children
The first step in the healing journey is peeling away the callus formed by the months or years of denying and repressing the painful emotions connected with the abortion experience. Why is this necessary to dredge up that which the mind has worked so long to forget? Because the grief, anger, and guilt a women feels about the events surrounding her abortion are not processed fully. Do you have your experience bundled up and hidden away because they are too painful to deal with? They do not need to be bundled up any longer!
There is hope and healing for you! Many women are braving the call and finding freedom from all the unanswered questions they always wondered about and can finally be at peace with themselves and God.
Safe and Confidential
• A place to finally understand
• A place to finally bring closure
• A place to finally heal
• A place to finally grieve
• A place to finally bring dignity back
• A place to finally heal your mothers heart
Call Kathy @ 301-491-6956 for a confidential conversation to start your healing journey